Message from Founders

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Warm Welcome
We at Maa Patashala, aim to provide and facilitate a Cognitively stimulating, Emotionally enriched, Socially conducive, and Physically healthy environment and atmosphere for children under our care. We have structured expertise accompanied by specialized experience in developing environments and providing nurturing forums for the development of children.

The Pedagogical System adopted by us is “Developmentally Appropriate Education” which is based on the knowledge of the typical development of children within an age span (Age Appropriateness) as well as the uniqueness of the child (Individual Appropriateness). This is achieved through the amalgamation of two sets of Educational Paradigms one being “The Montessori Approach” and another being “The Reggio Emilia Approach”. The Early

childhood setting developed by us is a protected environment whose boundary is the classroom. In this limited social and cognitive field, children comprehend the concepts of the world around them. This is considered to be a small analogue of a larger society.

We have studied and closely reflected on the Research into Early Childhood Education and based on these facts we have developed the environment. Here are some of the themes of Research by (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997).

Domains of children’s development – physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional – are closely linked and developed in one domain and can influence and be influenced by development in other domains. Recognition of the connection across domains can be used to plan children’s learning experiences. Development occurs in a relatively orderly sequence with later abilities, skills and knowledge building on those already acquired. Knowledge of typical development within the age range served by the program provides a general framework to guide primary educators in preparing the learning environment.

Individual variation characterizes children’s development. Each child is a unique individual and all children have their own strengths, needs and interest. Recognizing this individual variation is a key aspect. Development is influenced by multiple social and cultural contexts. Children are active learners and should be encouraged to construct an understanding of the world around them. Children develop best in the context of a group where they are safe and valued, their physical needs are met and they feel psychologically secure.

Some researchers have found that young children in developmentally appropriate environments are likely to have less stress, be more motivated, be more skilled socially, have better work habits, be more creative, have better language skills, and demonstrate better math skills than children in developmentally inappropriate environments.(Hart & others, 1996; Sherman & Meuller, 1996;Stipek & others, 1995).

After gaining insights from the bank of research we would like to now consider certain relevant Contemporary Controversies in Early Childhood Education. The Current controversy involves what the curriculum for early childhood education should be (Hyson, 2007). On one side are those who advocate a child-centred, constructivist approach along the lines of developmentally appropriate practice. On the other side are those who advocate an academic, direct instruction approach. Therefore we at Maa Patashala have included both academic and constructivist approaches in order to enhance the quality of education.

To reinforce where we began from, we would conclude by feeling honoured, privileged and pleasured to be the Primary Agents of knowledge in your child’s life who would be the future architect of our upcoming precious civilization.

Warm Regards.
​Dr. Jairam & R. SnehaLata

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